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Love & Gaia

Love & Gaia

Regular price $24.50 CAD
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By: Christina Strigas

Love & Gaia
is about humanity, the universe, the sky, the ocean, the wind, the Earth. It is about love, animals, trees, plants, and human consciousness. An epic book of poetry that is an ode to our beautiful planet Earth and all its miracles, tragedies, and energy forces. It is a combination of diverse themes that populate our Earth from the destruction of the ozone layer, to planets, the sun and moon; each poem has a memory with a story to tell. These narratives are raw, pure, and otherworldly, as Christina Strigas gives life to a true poet’s spirit in love with nature. In her sixth book of poetry, and an end to the trilogy Love & Vodka, Love & Metaxa, and now Love & Gaia, we see a shift in Strigas’s writing as the shift in the universe is bringing together a higher consciousness. Poems for a new love of Gaia and our connection to its energy.

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